The Cost of Breast Cancer
The financial burden of breast cancer can be just as
devastating as the physical one.
​This is one of the reasons the Canadian Breast Cancer Support Fund exists – to bridge the gap that exists between the financial reality faced
by breast cancer patients and the limited financial assistance available.
Many Canadians are already living on the edge financially and with lost wages and the added expenses associated with a breast cancer
diagnosis that often aren’t covered by government programs or employer-paid health insurance, they find themselves struggling to pay for
basic necessities such as food and shelter.
This can leave patients stressed and in debt that many do not recover from. THe majority of our financial grants are used to help patient pay for basic necessities such as food and shelter.​​​​​​​​
Out of Pocket Expenses
Medication not covered for treatment
Over-the-counter medications
Transportation costs
Hospital parking
Restorative therapies
Medical devices
Nutritious food
​The Length of Treatment
There are many different kinds of breast cancer, each with a different
treatment plan. The length of time from the diagnosis to the completion
of treatment varies depending on the type of breast cancer and at
what stage it is diagnosed. Breast cancer diagnosed at an early stage
may involve surgery (lumpectomy or mastectomy) and possibly radiation
(35 treatments over six to seven weeks). A quarter of women diagnosed
with a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer will receive regular
injections of Herceptin for approximately 11 months after active treatment to reduce the chance of recurrence.
Treatments for later stage or aggressive forms of breast cancer may involve chemotherapy before surgery, followed by more chemotherapy and radiation after surgery and many months of traveling to and from the hospital for treatment.​
Some women who have had a mastectomy, after many months of treatment, may undergo additional surgery for breast reconstruction.
The Reality of Assistance
Sick benefits offered by EI provides financial assistance for only 26 weeks at a very reduced portion of salary and many patients do not qualify.
The average length of treatment for breast cancer takes place over 38 weeks but can often last a year or more.Sick benefits offered by EI provides financial assistance for only 26 weeks at a very reduced portion of salary and many patients do not qualify.
Patients diagnosed while on maternity leave or enrolled in an educational program full-time are not eligible for the 26 weeks of sick benefits offered by EI.
Daniela and Kathy's Stories

Mother and sole provider to a wonderful teenaged daughter, Daniela discovered a lump in her right breast. She was 42. After screening, biopsies and a partial mastectomy, it was determined that Daniela had a highly aggressive and uncommon form of breast cancer that accounts for only 10 – 15% of all cases.
Daniela 45

Kathy 50